Churchill Square

Some places in Brighton are more important to find than others. I'm going to write about one of them today. The place is called Churchill Square and one of two main reasons to remember it is that it's a major bus hub. Most of the buses are passing here and in the end of the day when you're going home to get some sleep you'll always find STS leaders in yellow jackets here. The first days, particularly, are sometimes a bit nervous, but if you've forgotten your bus number or lost your room mate you don't need to worry. We're there to sort it out with you.

The other main reason to go here is for shopping. If you click on the picture above you'll get a 360 panorama view around the square, where you should easily find the entrance to this great indoor shopping centre on the south side. This will be heaven for those of you, who are into shopping, especially on a rainy afternoon. If you want to see what kind of shopping you can do just follow this link. More shopping tips will come, but not today. :-)



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