These Boots Are Made For Walking


Prepare yourself for a lot of walking on our trip. Not only will you walk miles and miles voluntarily in and between Primark, H&M, Top Shop and NEXT. We will also show you loads of interesting stuff in and outside Brighton after school (and sometimes before if you have afternoon lessons). Walking is simply a rather central part of this trip and if you only bring high heels and fancy sandals you might find yourself sorefeeted in Churchill Square, wondering about these things:

1. Why didn't I bring more comfortable shoes?

Answer: You didn't read the blog carefully enough OR you wanted to buy new shoes in Brighton OR you don't need comfy shoes 'cause you're the queen (or king) of heels

2. How can I keep up with all the fun with these sore feet?

Answer: You remember your mum packed Compeed or something similar OR you buy it at Boots by the Clock Tower. You also find pain killers there if it's extremely bad.

3. These boots are NOT made for walking! Where do I find new shoes?

Answer: Since you're at Churcill Square in this specific example you're close to Primark where you can find shoes from a few pounds and up. I got sore feet from the last pair I bought there, but you might get lucky. If you prefere I pair of Converse you can find them from £40 at Schuh (in the shopping center) or in the North Laine area.



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