Find Brighton Landmarks

Clock Tower                  Brighton Station                        Royal Pavillion
(Queens Rd, south end)(Queens Rd, north end)            (Old Steine/North St)

Brighton Pier (Madeira Drive)                      Preston Park (Preston Road)

The landmarks above are places where we'll meet for different activities on the language trip. You don't need to know these in advance, but if you're curious you can prepare yourself by learning how to find them before going there. We will show you these landmarks and more, when we're in Brighton, so this is more of a teaser.

Try to find the landmarks on this map, by dragging the yellow "street view" pedestrian from the upper left corner and drop him/her on the streets within parenteses and try to find your way. Why not have a walk between the landmarks and see more of the city. If you don't find the streets just google the street name above the map.



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